the options are endless.



30 pages

$25 per additional spread





enjoy tangible, delightful memories

Approve Proof

Choose details

Select images

Once you've signed off on the final draft and we're ready to order, we'll take one last peek and it's off to the printers.

These albums are handcrafted heirloom pieces so it takes a few weeks. Once it ships, I will send you a tracking number and then its just the worst part...waiting!

I love seeing images of your albums once they're in your hands. Please share!

You will receive an email allowing you to go into the proofing portal. Here you can view the draft and are welcome to request any design changes. You can comment on each spread, or shoot me an email with your changes. We can go back & forth on the draft three times making changes. Usually this is enough, although after three rounds there will be an additional fee of $100 per design round. We are typically able to nail this down within one or two goes!

You'll choose the cover style & color, font & debossing design. If you're having a hard time choosing, please let me know and I'm happy to give some suggestions based on the colors I think are complimentary to your day!

You will submit your favorite images using your client gallery (simply click the heart button on an image) OR let me do the initial design based off my favorites of the day.

If you are making selections, please try to choose 50-75 images.

If you are having a hard time making a selection, you can send me your top 30 or so must haves and I can take care of the rest of the selection. Think about the story of the day, what details make you feel something? What is going to feel important in 10, 15, 20 years.

Fred & Ginger
Bert and Ernie
Morticia + Gomez
Cher & Sonny
Sally & Harry
Homer and Marge